Sunday, October 18, 2009

Friction - Box In Bed Of Truck

Here are some photos of the meeting of October 17 at Lochere by his Italian Somadossi

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

How Long Before Temazepam Works

Good morning to you all,
inform you that the ns. next meeting will be held on 17 cm at az. agr. Sommadossi Italo loc. Loch - Caldonazzo / TN starting at 08.30!
- are prepared to set up: cornoletame-camomile-bark Oak
- Meeting with Mr researcher. Tratter Herbert: discussion on homeopathy use in agriculture.
Since the very important issues, we are counting on vs. large participation.
Contact cell. Roberto 393-7209012.
FYI and a warm goodbye. Roberto Denart