Monday, March 29, 2010

Labelled Diagram Of Sailboat

Avallone A 'Motoori' property

I had forgotten that he left open the matter of the engine . Now maybe I should write about elections, but anyone who follows this blog knows that I do not like to be so attached to everyday . Besides the beautiful di un blog è poter scrivere quello che passa per la testa seguendo più i propri pensieri che il mainstream delle notizie del giorno. La 'faccenda del motore' la trovate accennata qua , ma dato che una promessa è una promessa, è giusto sviscerarla.
Tocca parlare ancora una volta dell'assolutismo dello slang palermitano che si manifesta in due modi: la pretesa che tutti sull'orbe terracqueo lo comprendano e la convinzione che in una sola parola si possa includere una mezza dozzina di significati, anche se farebbero orrore al più scamuffo dei dizionari.
E qui si arriva al motore . Che, per essere fully understood, must be pronounced Motoori , as if on or there was one of those abstruse segnetti phonetic force to expand the voice opened up a bit 'a mouth like a prey to deep stupor (you can pronounce stupoore if you want).
The Motoori is from Bolzano to Cefalù a "driving machine that has the property to provide an output useful mechanical work." has generally one to 'n' slippers, and if has no wheels, propellers or something like that does not lead anywhere. Except in Palermo, where the Motoori darts in its most varied displacements in every street, alley or pirtuso because wheel has two.
Anch 'I had a Motoori . In fact, I had three. A Garelli of 1978, a Vespa 125 ( Bumm 200) of 1980 and a Yamaha 1998. They were all different, but they were all Motoori . The was Garelli (which according to the rules of the road is a moped), it was the Vespone (which is a scooter) and Yamaha (which is a motorcycle ). Il bello è che la mia Yamaha non era neppure una motocicletta , ma uno Why , una specie di scooter magro che non era affatto male. Però quando mi si chiedeva "che motore hai?" io rispondevo vago "una Yamaha" perché in cuor mio avevo sempre desiderato una XT 600 R e per 500mila lire avevo dovuto ripiegare sul Vespone.
Quello che accadeva, in realtà, era che il lessico panormita veniva in soccorso delle mie ambizioni frustrate: con quella parola così vaga - motoore - riuscivo a far passare un trispito per una discreta bestia da 42 cavalli. Ammucciando the munnizza with cardboard sets, just as they do the people of Palermo.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Indian Women Showing Their Breast

Retaliation sauce Sicilian-Como

happens that a contractor Palermo you buy a company in Como. It happens that one day decide that in Termini Imerese today have more work that needs to Como and staged his own retaliation against Fiat sbaraccare machines on the shores of Lake transfer for two thousand kilometers to the south, on the banks of Mediterranean.
"has nothing to do," he assured me that with the emphasis Palermo boasts with pride when she talks to anyone, it's me or a commissioner of Bolzano, "but what rappresaglia !". Ma non gli ho creduto, perché ho visto qualcosa balenare nel suo sguardo mentre mi raccontava della faccia che avevano fatto i dipendenti comaschi quando gli aveva annunciato le opzioni: perdere il lavoro o trasferirsi in Sicilia. "Non ce n'è stato uno che ha anche solo preso in considerazione la possibilità di andare a vivere a Termini Imerese" ha detto con un sorriso. Già qualche anno fa, al momento di rilevare l'azienda, gli aveva tirato un bello scherzo. "Sono tutti leghisti" mi aveva raccontato, "di quelli veri, che vanno a Pontida e a quella pagliacciata dell'ampolla con l'acqua del Po. E io sai che ho fatto? Mi sono portato behind my foreman of confidence, so I added a master guinea Romanian head. "
only that, he said without a shadow of a smile, those in Como find him another job quickly, but what will they do Termini Imerese when the Fiat will have decamped?

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Spanish Reception Card Templates

Ultime Notizie dal Progetto

The Project "Multiplan" will be enriched by three new products, you can pay them all for one, a total of four products will be available with only a registration fee of € 24.
1 - E-Book "Network Marketing " will be updated and new chapters are added, and then more and more " an extraordinary opportunity to their economic independence."
2 - I'm writing a new e-book on the history and origins of over a hundred songs that extraordinary have made history. " 80s and around " is a glimpse of the history of music based on melodies that have accompanied many generations of young people. To this is added the possibility to watch all the videos of the songs on YouTube, and on a specially created page on my site you can download the biography and discography of every artist mentioned in the book.
3 - The main parts of the book on network marketing will be included in a Presentation downloadable from the internet and therefore accessible by anyone. In a world where the fixed place is increasingly "Chimera", activities in the network are a real solution to the crisis and overcome personal difficulties and family ... always wanting us.
4 - And then I will get personally involved in organizing various cities " Dating Information " of about three hours, initially only in the central north, the first in Pesaro in the near future, to advance The draft " A job for everyone ... those who want to work .

All this will be included in the "Project Multiplan " and who has acquired the Code can take advantage of the free and the next steps on this page "Latest News from Project" will be constantly updated.
Live with passion!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

I Just Swallowed Dish Soap

"Il mio primo Lancio"

Pisa, Monday, December 3, 1979
an extraordinary day.
in quel giorno ho vissuto il mio Sogno, il primo di tanti!
Finalmente dopo due mesi di duro addestramento e sacrifici è arrivato il grande giorno. Questa mattinata è stata così irreale e indefinibile, non potrei descrivere le mie emozioni. La sveglia avvenuta un'ora prima del solito, poi alle 7.30 saliamo sui camion che ci portano all'aeroporto di Pisa. Appena arrivati i direttori di lancio ci dispongono su due file in base all'ordine di uscita, ritiriamo i paracadute, ci imbraghiamo... C'è " Zig 3 " ( a ttesa del miglioramento delle condizioni di visibilità ) , but after a wait that seemed endless, finally climb on the plane, a C130 that will lead us in the launch area, at Alton. For me, it is the first time I board an airplane, an emotion more. At 11.30 we leave, go up towards the sky, a perfectly blue sky, remarkably clear. I look oblivion slide under me and I see a landscape that looks like a wonderful layout. I will be the last to leave ... More buddies, everyone has their own thoughts, his feelings for all of us is the first launch. Some openly expresses his fear, someone else tries to hide it, others speak on the other, perhaps allontanare la tensione.
Ecco, i portelloni dell'aereo si aprono, entra un filo di aria fresca, siamo in zona e ci stiamo allineando alla perpendicolare di lancio. La prima sortita viene lanciata, poi la seconda, la terza, un altro giro... tutto si svolge così in fretta, ti concentri solo su quello che devi fare. Non posso descrivere i miei sentimenti in quel magico momento.Guardo l'ora, è mezzogiorno e 14 minuti... Un attimo dopo sono solo in mezzo al cielo, attraversato da una brezza di vento, tutto intorno il silenzio, sorretto solo da un pezzo di tela a forma di ombrello, il mio paracadute.
The sensations are continuing at a frantic pace, a great joy pervades my heart, emotion and wonder no borders. No time to think about things you have taught, but only to enjoy a special moment. you feel immersed in the infinity of the world, you feel fragile but at the same time absorbed by the fullness of happiness .
I look down and see the swarm of parachute, the parachutes of those " jumped" from the plane before me and then I see that the lawn will touch the ground approaches, returns clarity, I make a perfect landing. I do not know how much time has passed since I left the plane, I do not know how long I was floating in the air, I do not care, I just know that it was the best experience of my life.
The joy is too great and can not be described. Makeshift parachute and arrival at the collection point, I drink a soda and I finally relax. Finally someone went in the trees, someone has screwed too much rigging exit the plane, but we all, and no one was hurt.
At three in the afternoon to return to barracks. I find Paul, my neighbor's bunk, he has done it to get to the launch and is now being transferred to infantry, will Codroipo, near Udine, in short, from my own party. This is my home ground, but as a Sicilian that he is the land of exile. However, does not prove to be too disappointed. Phone at home, answered my mother, a lump in my throat keeps me from telling exactly what I went through in this extraordinary day.
To enjoy the most of this day I went on leave on its own, without the usual friends. I walked among the tourist attractions of Pisa watching the people, smiling at the girls who did not know in many I have returned the smile. bright aura around me, I see myself and realize it all with whom he came into contact . I feel different, I feel special, I passed a big test, I am now a better man ... I mean better in spirit, in feeling better. They are vivid sensations that make you think even the meaning of life, the wonders of the world around us ... and its creator.
Tomorrow, the second run, then the third. Overtime will be two more days, and I finally won my patent paratrooper.
( from my diary, I was 19 )

Pleuricy And Emphazema

Frasi e parole senza tempo

Stop a moment to think, remain in silence to reflect, and listen to ourselves to give meaning to our existence, to give sense of what we do.


Eyebrow Piercing Costs

A wonderful day marzolina

Lungotevere Here it was reduced to 15.30!