Saturday, February 12, 2011

How To Make Quakers Oats Porridge

Brioche dough b & b with orange chef and brewer's yeast. A very welcome prize from

dough b & b The name is because a part is made of dough as the dough puffs and the other part is a sort of brioche dough, but without eggs.
E 'was born one day when I make cream puffs and I had not realized that it had eggs and then I turned the cake and I made it a croissant.
E 'very good, looks like a real croissant and very little amount of butter is not penalizing at all.
The scent of orange juice makes it even better.
remains soft even 4-5 days.


for the roux:
60 g. butter
100 ml.
100 ml of milk. 0 of flour (I used Barilla for bread and buns)
teaspoon di sale

per l'altro impasto:

300 g. di manitoba
60 g. di zucchero (aromatizzato alla vaniglia)
80 ml. di latte
100 ml. di succo di arancia filtrato
30 g. di chef (lievito naturale ottenuto dalla fermentazione di segale ed acqua) o lievito madre o un lievito di riporto
6 g. di lievito di birra
un cucchiaino di Golden Syrup o miele


Mettere il latte ed il burro e il sale in un pentolino e portare a leggero bollore fino a quando il burro sarà sciolto. Versare in un solo colpo la farina e mescolare velocemente e per un minuto, spegnere il fuoco, mettere il composto in una ciotola e lasciar intiepidire.
Mettere l'altro latte nella ciotola dell'impastatrice insieme allo chef e al lievito di birra e farli sciogliere, aggiungere tutti gli altri ingredienti ed il roux ormai intiepidito. Avviare la macchina alla seconda velocità e fare incordare bene l'impasto.
Si può lavorare anche a mano ovviamente.
Prendere l'impasto piegarlo in quattro e stringerlo a palla. Lasciarlo riposare per circa 30 minuti.
Stenderlo sul piano di lavoro, arrotolarlo e metterlo in uno stampo a ciambella a lievitare. Io l'ho preparato di sera ed infornato il mattino seguente. L'ho lasciato nel forno tutta la night after warming by putting a pot of boiling water.
Bake at 180 degrees for 20-25 minutes.
It 'obvious that you can make the shapes you want, for example by the portions, small sandwiches, brioscine, etc..

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I received this gift from yolk and Francylamatta.

were really nice and I thank them heartily.

In turn, I want to give it to anyone who comes in my blog because if it does not mean that is passionate Cooking and therefore deserves it. Come on, take it and give it.
Now I have to say seven things about me ... ok!
1) I love my family: my husband and three children.
2) I love cooking, especially baking.
3) If I'm nervous and I spend the whole mix.
4) I agree with Judi Hendricks: "The bread is made to do it, not to eat it" otherwise we would go to buy it:)
5) When someone tells me: "Who makes you do, always cook, dough forever, but go in the bakery, the baker, etc.. and not so dirty, "I do not answer him, could not understand.
6) I can always get in all blogs I follow and to compliment but I assure you that if I follow them and sometimes there's a reason the words do not count.
7) At this moment I am in bed with the flu and your blog has been keeping me company. Spying do I love and admire the preparations of others, and often amusing to read the post in a convalescent mometo there is nothing better.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Read Dragonball Doujin

cake for the 18 years of my son decorated with sugar paste

My son is 18 years old and I made this cake decorated with sugar paste.
un'inetta premise that with even a modicum of artistic talent, I fancy, dexterity and above all experience in this field. This was an act of love, a way to represent the passions and the character of my son. I am proud of this work just because I know I gave it my all. I apologize, then, for various imperfections.
His spinster who holds a manga: her great passion. Stockings on your keyboard, phone and direct intake tube from the bottle.
sleep, his other passion. Near the bed is his beloved bottle from which to draw water even while sleeping.
The Ramen, his other passion: Japan.
Amphibians, PC., Headphones, a book of Latin still in the envelope of the library ...