Monday, February 8, 2010

Reasons For Swollen Nipples In Dogs

Progetto "Multiplan"

Poco più di un anno fa ho messo in rete il mio E-Book " Network Marketing " ovvero Una Straordinaria occasione verso la propria la propria Indipendenza Economica . I've always been convinced that the network is working, and should be a real and serious business, in short, a great way to live their lives. Instead the collective imagination, a majority in Italy, you think the network as an activity series B, second floor activity, possibly as a secondary choice to make. Often those who practice it underestimate the importance and seriousness. They manage to get a result " minimum" and are already satisfied, then I think of so many fail to achieve any goal ... WHY '? (does not work, they say).
in E-Book I have made my experience personale, ci sono le regole fondamentali del Network Marketing, e soprattutto vengono elencati i vantaggi di questa straordinaria attività. Si dimostra come , scegliendo un'azienda seria e corretta con i propri distributori, sia possibile per tutti raggiungere il vero benessere finanziario .
Con soddisfazione ho constatato che in moltissimi lo hanno scaricato, sempre e solo gratis, quindi senza nessun vantaggio economico per me; il mio dubbio è: quelli che lo hanno scaricato, lo hanno poi anche letto? Ne hanno messo in pratica le poche regole? Quello che io ho imparato è: generalmente si pensa che, se qualcosa è gratuito significa che non è importante , e quindi viene sottovalutato.
Lo scorso anno è stato un anno particolarmente difficile per via della crisi, e quest'anno lo sarà ancora di più. Girando un po' l'Italia ho incontrato molte persone che mi hanno raccontato delle loro difficoltà. Tu sai che quello che offri potrebbe veramente aiutare a risolvere i loro problemi economici, offri una vera opportunità, un guadagno certo, ma ugualmente ti senti dire NO , grazie, non fa per me.
Capita a tanti networker, spiegano la loro attività, ne esaltano il bussines, i prodotti ma poi si sentono rispondere " tutto bello e interesting, but ... "," I'll think ... "," we'll talk when we meet again . "These are all excuses to say no or answers are hiding something? Mine is a simple and proven finding, when you talk about network can be good and convincing speaker, but Who listens to you think you do not speak of a "real activities " but simply speaks of " something to do just to do something . Markenting short, the network is not taken seriously, especially by those who have need. We all want to earn so much now, and maybe doing nothing, but this is not possible for anyone! To get results we must act, and you will be convinced.
Even those who practice the network makes mistakes. Convinces friends to subscribe to his work even without them they are fully convinced, many do so only as a favor to his friend. Then there are the exchanges, you will sign up to my network and I subscribe to yours. We were wrong, these are the behaviors that are bad, very bad, the Network Marketing. Any activity is done seriously and with conviction, never do anything just to make .
That said, last year we have perfected the " Multiplan , a Compensation Plan suitable for the distribution of a product or service and that this is the extraordinary and unique, allows for a pension, small or large, but an annuity immediately.
Thinking that the opportunity " Multiplan " I decided early this year to sell my e-Book at a nominal price with the idea of \u200b\u200bcalling for much part of collection on behalf of all those who wish to pursue this project, namely Project Multiplan . My intention is Seriously, I would actually be useful and contribute to personal growth and cost of all those who, with conviction and honesty, will want to put into practice the suggestions in my E-Book " Network Marketing." I am absolutely sure that this is "an extraordinary opportunity to their economic independence .
With only 24 euro you can get a pension, but if you really want YOU NEED TO DO SOMETHING CONCRETE .



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