Eventually the English bluff has been discovered. Even by the Spaniards. I want to know now what happened to those who have fate in the golden years of zapatero wove the rave reviews of a country's "young, vital, allegro".
Non si rendevano conto di confondere l'effetto di una sbornia con una vitalità reale e concreta. Ora che si sono svegliati con un forte mal di testa, gli spagnoli si sono accorti che forse anche l 'oro di Zapatero era una patacca, visto che - stando a un sondaggio pubblicato da El Pais - i conservatori del Partito Popolare sono avanti di 9 punti e tre intervistati su quattro pensano che il piano di austerity varato dal governo non sarà sufficiente.
Sono uno ottimista scettico, perciò penso che alla fine anche the Spaniards sfangheranno and continue to hope that Italians will spared what they're living in Greece and are preparing to face in Portugal and Ireland. Only that, from a skeptic, I would like to draw a parallel between those who have made fooled by a night of nightlife and those who are blinded by Berlusconi. As is always the right fit in the middle and ends to be wrong and those who constantly cries the Communist conspiracy that those who lose more time behind the gay weddings and the equitability of kinds in tales of the Brothers Grimm rather that the real problems of the country.
Now those who pass if the worst were more concrete and realistic caciaroni Iberians. If you voted today in Greece, the party of government gets 45 percent of preferences, just one point less than a month ago, before the crisis exploded in Athens in all its drama . The Greeks, that is, the government would call the same people who at one point they agreed the to terms with reality and tighten their belts, even cost of heavy sacrifices. The English instead they do? As soon as someone - even if that pataccaro of Zapatero - they send him to wake up and run this country to vote for the opposition in hope that their gifts a few more hours of dream. Some time ago I asked a girl who has long lived in Spain as if they were really the post-Franco Spain. Li dismissed with two words: "the caciottari . Then made me laugh a lot, now more than anything else I bitter.
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