There are occasions where you have to look at the details. Details that only
TV can offer, and can reveal many things at the site could not be seized. If I had been to the grotto last night instead of at home, I would have lost a few little things reveal the character of the finalists for the 2010 edition of the Premio Strega. The winner, first
. Antonio Pennacchi me is really nice,
because that is who are some genuine Roman Roman adoption can grow and mature. I read extracts from his 'Mussolini Canal' and I believe to be a good book, so that My next installment will be in the library to deliver
Nicolai Linin and withdraw his. But one must not confuse the quality of the writer with the qualities of man. Not reveal any mystery when I say that great writers are often questionable men. And I must say that yesterday has aroused some concern me a joke Pennacchi. One of those things said almost without thinking, in the belief that the microphones are turned off, or that access in the neighborhood is far enough not to pick up inappropriate words. Last night Pennacchi took the stage
of nymphs with a stick because
back pain prevented him
to move with agility. When photographers asked him to go on the shelf to be more visible, someone helped him and he let slip this remark: "I plan
otherwise the end of my brother."
knew Gianni
Pennacchi because we did some missions together. It was a good journalist, one of those who give themselves airs and not doing their job, without
save advice to less experienced colleagues. And I was very impressed
the end that John did. At Christmas last year climbed a ladder to the loft to take the tree from synthetic
decorate , lost his balance, is caduto
male e si è provocato una bruttissima
emorragia interna che non gli ha lasciato scampo. Una morte stupida, ingiusta, che ha molto colpito tutti noi che lo conoscevamo. Una morte su cui non non avremo mai scherzato. E invece chi ci ha scherzato è stato proprio suo fratello che pure meno di cinque minuti dopo gli ha dedicato lo Strega.
Un altro episodio riguarda il Grande Trombato di questa edizione. Paolo Sorrentino è senza ombra di dubbio uno dei migliori - se non il migliore - regista italiano in
circolazione . I suoi film sono stati tutti grandi successi di critica (cosa alla quale i cineasti italiani tengono molto di più che al botteghino) e l'arrivo in cinquina con il romanzo d'esordio
looked more like a fad than a real copyright claim. And yet he - the only one from a non
victory had nothing to
rosicare much -
interviewed by Lamberto
Sposini the modest performance of his 'They are all right' among the 400 friends on Sunday, it was let go a couple of comments to
rosicone doc who should have disappointed his fans and novices. Salma stuff that not even he could match.
But the real big defeat is not
Silvia Avalos that - clever girl
what - he understood that the Duke case is the exception not the rule, ma la Rizzoli che dopo aver speso una barca di quattrini nella promozione di 'Acciaio' e aver schierato al Ninfeo non l'artiglieria pesante, ma l'arsenale nucleare (Cesare Romiti e Paolo Mieli in persona) ha incassato l'ennesimo ceffone a due mani dalla
Mondadori . Si parla tanto di strapotere della
Mondadori , ma nessuno si domanda se invece non ci sia qualcosa (o qualcuno) di
profondamente sbagliato nell'
organigramma della Rizzoli. Che per quanto si possa organizzare una massiccia campagna di lancio su un romanzo che a detta di molti è davvero buono (ahimè confesso di non averlo ancora letto) resta una
cialtroneria di fondo capace di minare qualunque sforzo. E parlo personal experience: those who follow this blog know that I have a dispute
under way with Rizzoli to the fact that he used the title 'The Corruptor' for the novel of a famous psychiatrist just six months after my 'The Corruptor' was in its final at
Scerbanenco with another book by Rizzoli. Someone has not even bothered to go check on Google: they are still the second entry in the search box and then I was the first. But there must be a judge in Berlin ...