The bread you see in the picture is made with the chef, the last born of yeast.
It 'goes without saying that these things made with yeast are much better, more fragrant and longer lasting because you already know, but I want to emphasize the satisfaction in doing things with these yeasts, which is definitely greater than with the yeast of beer.
are no baker, (unfortunately) and what I write and I do is dictated only by my experience then it is likely that making mistakes but sometimes, the result counts.
For the first refreshments:
40 g. chefs
50 g. 0
flour 30 ml. Water
For the second refreshment:
chef previous
120 g. 0
flour 70 ml. Water
For the final dough:
200 g. Yeast obtained
600 g. flour 0 (you can also use a mix of flour, semolina, etc.).
350 ml. about lukewarm water (here the amount varies by many factors: the type of flour, humidity, etc..
3 teaspoons salt
Mix the ingredients of the first party, put them in a bowl covered with plastic wrap and let rise in a warm enough place for 8 hours (should double)
Add to this yeast ingredients the second party, and proceed as for the first pushing again until doubled.
Dissolve the yeast in the lukewarm water and gradually add the flour until a soft dough and let rise for 4-5 hours in an oiled bowl and covered with film. Spread lightly with a rolling pin and roll up, and let rise on baking tray covered with parchment paper or dusted generously with semola. Quando sarà raddoppiato, fare dei tagli obliqui ed infornare a 220° per i primi 10 minuti e poi abbassare a 200° per altri 30 minuti. Quando si accende il forno è bene mettere un pentolino con acqua già bollente e lasciarlo fino al raggiungimento della temperatura e toglierlo quando si inforna il pane.
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