Ingredients For the pastry:
300 g. flour 00
100 g. hazelnuts, toasted and chopped
180 g. 200 grams of sugar
butter 4 egg yolks a pinch of salt
two teaspoons of baking powder vanilla
Ingredients for the topping:
400 g. Ricotta
200 g. whipping cream
150 g.
vanilla sugar 2 tablespoons rum
4 pears 120 ml.
water 3 tablespoons sugar
some drops of lemon
Mix the flour, hazelnuts, baking powder, salt and vanilla, add the butter and work the mixture with your fingertips to form a compound sand. Mix the egg yolks and sugar and add them to the flour mixture. Working quickly, pellet, wrap with plastic wrap and refrigerate for an hour.
Peel pears, leaving a whole and the other three cut into cubes. Put water, sugar, lemon and pears in a saucepan and let soften by absorbing water. Will remain a thick syrup. Let cool well.
Mix the ricotta with the sugar, la vanillina e il rhum e unire la panna precedentemente montata. Aggiungere le pere a dadini al composto lasciandone un po' da parte per la decorazione insieme alla pera intera. Mettere il composto in frigo.
Stendere la pasta frolla in uno stampo per crostata e cuocere in forno a 180° per circa 25 minuti.
Far raffreddare bene la base di pasta frolla.
Mettere il composto di ricotta nella sacca a poche e distribuirlo a grossi fiocchi sulla base di frolla.
Decorare con la pera tagliata in quattro spicchi e con i dadini di pera rimasti
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